
  • Date
    August 12, 2022
  • Brand
  • Project Requirements
    Full Website Development

Project Overview.

For Yucca's Shopify site, WESWOO focused on creating a dynamic and immersive user experience without relying on video content. We designed a large-scale homepage carousel, complemented by magnifying sound effects, to achieve a sense of motion and engagement. This innovative approach allowed us to showcase Yucca's products in a captivating and interactive manner, ensuring that the website remains visually appealing and effective in communicating the brand's message.


Research & Processing.

In developing Yucca's Shopify site, the WESWOO team conducted extensive research to understand how to create a visually engaging yet video-free user experience. Our process involved exploring alternative multimedia elements, like large-scale carousel imagery and synchronized sound effects, to evoke a dynamic feel. This approach was carefully tested and optimized to ensure the website not only captivates visitors but also conveys Yucca's brand essence effectively, achieving a unique and memorable online presence without relying on conventional video content.

Both parties confirm the requirements

Online for group and meeting discussions, offline for face-to-face conversations

Design & Development

Developing the website based on the client-provided design drafts, ensuring a 1:1 replication

Feedback & Acceptance

After the initial draft is provided, the client may suggest revisions, and modifications will be made until the client is satisfied with the final product


WESWOO innovatively enhanced Yucca's site with dynamic visuals and sound, boosting engagement without videos.

WESWOO transformed our Yucca site with a creative, dynamic display, enhancing customer interaction and visual appeal without using videos.

  • Silky smooth scrolling effect
  • Exceptional Liquid technology skills
  • 1:1 development ensures handling of subsequent business

Completed the full site production and transitioned to multi-language stores, including translation